We got even more goodies in this week, lets take a look!
First and foremost, Magtech 9A 9mm ammo is buy 9 get 1 free through to the end of next week! Max 1 deal per person, while supplies last, subject to change at any time.
Savage 220 20ga rifled barrel with accutrigger in Veil Camo. One of if not the best shotguns to use on deer around here. Two on the shelf right now! We have 2 cases of Accutips and SSTs on the way to feed this wonderful piece.
Normal price of $729, on the shelf for $669.

Next up, Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro in 9mm. 15+1 with optics ready plate, tritium U Notch sights, a gorgeous bronze and black two tone. It is the Gear Up package so it comes with 5 total mags and a range bag.
On sale on the shelf for $599

Always a favorite, the Sig P365 9mm, optic ready, night sights, 10+1 mags, no safety. The P365 is generally regarded as the best conceal carry gun due to its small size but fantastic shootability.
On the shelf now for $509

NEW to the shop and new to the market, the Smith & Wesson SD9 2.0 is coming in strong with a stainless steel and black two tone, great grip, good sights, the new flat faced trigger, 15+1 capacity, and coming in at a steal of a price of $299!

Mags, mags, and more mags. Can never have enough! Get one free with every AR purchase!

Easily in the top 3 choices for conceal carry, the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus 9mm. Undisputed reliability, optics ready, night sights, aggressive stippling, an excellent trigger, and 10/12+1 mags.
If you were going to trust your life to any gun, this one should be at the top of your list
On the shelf now for $429

NEW in the shop, the Military Armament Corporation 1014 12ga Breacher. This is a Benelli M4 clone and not afraid to say so. Almost all M4 parts and furniture are compatible. The action is smooth as butter, the trigger is excellent, comes with peep sights, pic rail for red dot, chokes, and a sling. Fantastic run-and-gun shotgun, home defense, and general protection boomstick.
Coming in at only $399!

If you're not a wheel gun guy/gal, this should be your introductory drug. The Taurus 627 Tracker in 357 magnum. 4" barrel with porting, adjustable sights, 7 round cylinder, incredible trigger, great rubber grips, and a smooth as silk action. Its a no brainer, I have one and you should too.
On the shelf for $509

And who doesn't like to plink 22s? We got two more Ruger Super Wrangler in 22lr and they both come with the 22mag cylinder to swap out. Well built, fun to shoot, adjustable sights, single six action.
On the shelf for $269

Hey! If you didn't know, we sell suppressors! We have been selling suppressors for over a year now and its been going great. We are able to equip you with most major brands including Dead Air, Silencer Co, Huxworks, Yankee Hill, Gemtech, Aero Precision, Surefire, and Elite Iron. The process is tedious and expensive, but its easy with our help since we handle everything start to finish, except the trust. Starting in the next few weeks we will be able to generate trusts, stay tuned. Stop into the shop to get started!



That should cover it for now, thanks for reading and hope to see you in the shop soon!